Галерея лепидоптерологов России


by Stanislav K. Korb

To my friend and teacher in lepidopterology,
Yuri KOSAREV, is devoted

О Каталоге (на Русском языке)
The foreword, Introduction, Presentation, Materials, Abbreviations, Geographic part.
Acknowledgments, Summary.
A list of the species listed but not found in the EX-USSR.
Family Papilionidae Latreille, 1802.
Family Riodinidae Grote, 1895.
Family Libytheidae Boisduval, 1829.
Family Danaidae Boisduval, 1833.

A list of the species listed but not found in the EX-USSR

Archon apollinus (Herbst, 1798) (ACKERY, 1975: 75) listed from Turkmenia and Armenia possible at the base of wrongly labelled specimens; later here not found.

Argynnis ella Bremer, 1864 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 358) listed from Amur region and Ussuri region on the base of incorrect determination; now here not found.

Argyreus hyperbius (Linnaeus, 1763) listed from Glazovka near Sinij Mts. in the Ussuri region (Bidzilja, 1995) – this finding is a migrired specimen, not inhabite the ex-USSR's fauna.

Carterocephalus pulcher (Leech, 1891) (SEDYKH, 1968: 950). Was located from NW Transbaikal (Azikak). It distributes in Tibet and can't found in the ex-USSR. This location based on the incorrect determination of closely related species argyrostigma Eversmann, 1851.

Celastrina sugitanii Matsumura, 1919 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 361) listed from Sakhalin with subspecies sachalinensis Esaki, 1922. In this time the subspecies sachalinensis placed in C. ladon (Cramer, 1780) as a subspecies; C. sugitanii in the ex-USSR's territory not found.

Colias alexandra Edwards, 1863 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 145). Listed as a species which is possible in the Polar Ural fauna. Later here not found (pers. com. Dr. A.G.TATARINOV). This species inhabite SW Canada and NW USA and can't found in the ex-USSR, especially in the Polar Ural without findings in polar tundras of Siberia and Chukotka, but in the last regions it not found too.

Colias phicomone (Esper, [1780]) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 145): "Горный европейский вид. Указан для Карпат. Нахождение его на территории СССР требует подтверждения; пока имеется единственное свидетельство Л.А.Лясоты (письменное сообщение) о поимке бабочек в окр. Ивановки Рожнятовского района Иваново-Франковской области около ур. Петров камень" [Mountainous European species. Is specified for Carpathians. The presence of it in territory of USSR requires confirmation; while there is a unique certificate of L.A.LYASOTA (written message) about finding of the butterflies in the vicinities of Ivanovka of Rozhnyatovsk area of the Ivanovo-Frankovsk region about Petrov Kamen valley]. New findings of this species in Carpathians for me are unknown. I think that L.A.LYASOTA incorrect determined the species C. palaeno (individual form) as C. phicomone.

Dilipa fenestra (Leech, 1891) had been located from Ussurijsk vicinity (KORSHUNOV & GORBUNOV, 1995: 72); requires new materials, this location based only in the visual investigation.

Erebia gorge (Hübner, [1804]) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 150). This species listed as a species which is possible for Carpatians; later here not found.

Erebia lappona (Esper, [1780]) (STANDEL, 1957: 136). This species was listed from Altai: SW Altai (Ust-Kamenogorsk vicinity and adjacent territories) ; SE Altai (Bukhtarma, Sajlugem, Ongudaj, Cherga, Kobdo); Central and NE Altai (Ongudaj, Katun, Chuya, Biya valleys). The most probably, indication of this species from territory of the former USSR is based on incorrect representation of the old authors about volume of a genus Erebia – in quoted work this species is given only on the basis of the literary data.

Erebia melampus (Fuessly, 1775) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 149). Y.P.KORSHUNOV wrote that this species is possible to the Carpathians but now here not found.

Erebia melas (Herbst, 1796) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 150). Listed from SW and S of European part but later here not found.

Erebia tristior Goltz, 1937 (KURENTZOV, 1970: 52). This taxon listed from South Ussuri region by two males (Suputinka river) of poor quality. Y.P.KORSHUNOV & P.Y.GORBUNOV (1995: 126) wrote that tristior is only a synonym of E. wanga Bremer, 1864 and not inhabite South Ussuri region.

Esperarge roxelana (Cramer, 1779) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 147): "Некоторыми авторами (…) указан для Крыма. Требуется подтверждение новыми материалами" [Some authors listed this species for Crimea. Requires confirmation by the new materials]. Later here not found (NEKRUTENKO, 1985a).

Euphydryas cynthia ([Denis & Schiffermüller], [1775]) listed from Kamchatka and Yakutia (KURENTZOV, 1970: 102). This species, however, inhabite only European mountains and can't found in Far East. All findings of this species in the butterfly fauna of Far East based on the incorrect determining of E. iduna (Dalman, 1816) and E. intermedia (Ménétriès in Schrenck, 1859).

Favonius fujisanus (Matsumura, 1910) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 359) listed it as a species which is possible in Ussuri region; in this time here not found.

Gonepteryx amintha limonia Mell, 1943 listed from Khasan vicinity in Ussuri region (TUZOV et al., 1997) on the base of one specimen which is an aberratio of G. maxima (KORSHUNOV, 1998: 13).

Hestina assimilis (Linnaeus, 1758) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 96) listed as a species which is possible in Ussuri region; later here not found.

Hyponephele pulchra (Felder & Felder, [1867]) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 151). Listed from Middle Asiatic mountains. Later this species listed from Pamir as H. pulchra baroghila (Tytler, 1940 ) (TSHIKOLOVETS, 1997: 107). I think that both citations requires new findings because they based on old materials and newly this species not collected in this area.

Hyponephele wagneri (Herrich-Schäffer, 1846) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 151). This species listed from Transcaucasus. In the book of Y.P.NEKRUTENKO (1990) this species not placed for the fauna of Transcaucasus; in other works published after 1972 also not listed.

Koramius acdestis (Grum-Grshimailo, 1891) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 142). This location based on the works of old authors (especially of C.EISNER and F.BRYK) which described more species group taxa from the Middle Asiatic mountains in the species Koramius acdestis. Now all these taxa placed in species K. patricius (Niepelt, 1911) and partly in K. delphius (Eversmann, 1843).

Melanitis leda (Linnaeus, 1758) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 54). This species listed by A.I.KURENTZOV as a species which is possible to the fauna of butterflies of South Ussuri region; later here not found.

Melitaea didymina Staudinger, 1895 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 355) listed as a species which is possible in Tian Shan and Tuva. This species, however, in both territories not found.

Muschampia tessa (Evans, 1912) listed from the ex-USSR's territory (TUZOV et al., 1998) probably at the base of incorrect determination.

Neptis yunnanus Oberthür, 1906 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 352) listed from Ussuri and Amur regions in ssp. tshetverikovi Kurentzov, 1936 and themis Leech, 1892. Both of these taxa are listed now as good species, N. yunnanus in the fauna of the ex-USSR not found.

Nordmannia grandis (Felder, 1862) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 359) listed as a species which is possible in Amur region; later here not found.

Oeneis also (Boisduval, 1832) listed from Siberia (KORSHUNOV, 1996: 37; KORSHUNOV, 1998: 28) at the base of synonymy of melissa and also. But without doubts the name melissa Fabricius, 1775 is older, and I use here this name.

Oeneis daisetsuzana Matsumura, 1926 (KURENTZOV, 1970: 69). This species listed as a possible taxon for the mountains of Sakhalin; later here not collected.

Oeneis mongolica Oberthür, 1876 (KURENTZOV, 1970: 66–67) listed as a species which is possible in Transbaikal. Later here not found.

Oeneis oeno (Boisduval, 1832) (KORSHUNOV, 1996, 1998; KORSHUNOV & GORBUNOV, 1995) listed from Siberia as a taxon which replaced here polixenes Fabricius, 1775 but the name polixenes is older and at this base used in the present catalogue.

Oeneis velleda Austaut, 1912 (Kurentzov, 1970: 74). This species listed from Tugur vicinity and Anjujsky Mts. These locations are incorrect; later here not found.

Ochlodes similis (Leech, 1893) (KORSHUNOV, 1998: 6) listed for middle belt of Europa and northern Asia, Siberia, Amur region and Ussuri region, but in fact this species not inhabite the ex-USSR's fauna – it described from "Mupin" in China. The taxa faunus Turati, 1905 etc. listed as subspecies of this taxon. But in all remaining modern papers the taxon faunus listed as a good species, and only this species inhabite middle belt of Europa and northern Asia, Siberia, Amur region and Ussuri region.

Papilio macilentus Janson, 1878 (KURENTZOV, 1970: 10). Had been listed as a possible from South Ussuri region species. Later here not found.

Papilio protenor Cramer, 1779 (KURENTZOV, 1970: 10). It listed as a species which is possible in the South Ussuri region but later here not found.

Parnassius epaphus Oberthür, 1891 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 142). Listed as a species possible to the South Pamir mountains, but at this time in this region not found. I think that the findings of this very beautyful butterfly are possible to the southern slope of Vakhansky Mts. because the type locality of the northern subspecies P. e. hinducucicus Bang-Haas, 1934 is Baroghil pass on Central Hindu-Kush (only 60 km southern that Vakhansky Mts at the border of Tajikistan).

Pelopidas jansonis (Butler, 1878) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 141). By the data of W.H.EVANS (1949: 443) listed for Amur region. Later, however, here not found.

Pelopidas midea Walker, 1870 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 141). Y.P.Korshunov wrote, that for this species are need new materials from Middle Asia because it is the species which known only from Asia Minor. In the last 30 years this species in Middle Asiatic mountains not found.

Plebeius mongolicus (Grum-Grshimailo, 1895) (Filipjev, 1971; Tuzov, 1993: 61) listed from South Siberia and Transili Alatau Mts. in North Tian Shan, probable, on the base of incorrect determination; later here not found.

Polyommatus alcestis (Zerny, 1932) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 365) listed as a species which is possible in Southern Transcaucasus; later here not found.

Polyommatus antidolus (Rebel, 1901) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 365) listed from Transcaucasus; later here not found; current citation based possible in the incorrect determination.

Polyommatus baytopi (de Lesse, 1959) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 365) listed as a species which is possible in Transcaucasus; later here not found.

Polyommatus imanishi (Takeuchi, 1936). This taxon described from Sakhalin as a good species at the base of one male. In all Russian papers (exceptly paper of Y.P.KORSHUNOV, 1972: 363) data about this taxon absent.

Polyommatus menalcas (Freyer, 1839) listed as a species which can be found in South Transcaucasus (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 365) but later here not found.

Polyommatus poseidon (Herrich-Schäffer, [1851]) in many lepidopterological works listed from Crimea with subspecies krymaeus Sheljuzhko, 1928; now the subspecies krymaeus placed in the species damocles Herrich-Schäffer, 1844, thus the species poseidon in our fauna not found.

Polyommatus posthumus (Christoph, 1876) (Korshunov, 1972: 365) listed as a species which can be found in South Middle Asia (Turkmenia ?); later here not found.

Polyommatus xerxes (Staudinger, 1899) (Korshunov, 1972: 365) listed from Transcaucasus; this finding, possible, based on the incorrect determination.

Pseudochazara watsoni Clench & Shoumatoff, 1956 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 153) listed from Shugnansky Mts. in Pamir; later here not found.

Pyrgus dejeani Oberthür, 1912 (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 140). This location based on the paper of W.H.EVANS (1949). Some old authors listed this species from Namangan and Ferghana too. All locations based on the incorrect determined specimens. This species was described from "Ta Tsien Lou" in Tibet and is a high mountainous species only from Tibetan mountain, in the ex-USSR it not flight.

Pyrgus oberthueri (Leech, 1891) (KORSHUNOV, 1972: 140): "Горы Средней Азии" [Middle Asiatic mountains]. This location based on the works of old authors and it is incorrect. This species described from "Wa Ssu Kow" and is distributed in the Chinese provinces Szechwan and Yunnan. It very much far from Central Asia; the single specimen known from Central Asia (Naryn) most likely was simply incorrectly labelled; it is kept in the Natural History Museum (London) (DE JONG, 1972: 34).

Pyrgus ruralis (Boisduval, 1852) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 148–149): "Этот вид, известный до настоящего времени из Западных частей Северной Америки (…), на Дальнем Востоке найден А.Г.Кузнецовым на Охотском побережье (с. Тугур) дважды: 24 июня и 10 июля 1943 г. (2 ♂) в поясе елово-пихтовой тайги" [This species known till now from Western parts of Northern America (…), on Far East is found by A.G.KUSNETZOV on the Okhotskoje coast (Tugur) twice: June 24 and July 10, 1943 (2 ♂) in a zone of tajga from Picea sp. and Abies sp. ]. Y.P.KORSHUNOV (1972: 140) wrote: "По двум самцам описан ssp. ochotica Kurentz. Поскольку во внимание приняты только элементы рисунка, а гениталии не исследованы, трудно сказать, к какой форме именно должны быть отнесены эти экземпляры, может быть к malvae L. " [On the base of two males the subspecies ochotica Kurentzov, 1970 was described. As in attention the elements of wing pattern are accepted only, and genitalia are not investigated, it is difficult to tell, to what form just these specimens should be referred, can be to malvae Linnaeus, 1758]. Without doubts this species distributes only in North America; the taxon ochotica is only the infrasubspecific name for Pyrgus malvae.

Pyrgus scriptura (Boisduval, 1852) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 148): "Этот неарктический вид был найден на Дальнем Востоке только однажды – 11 июля 1943 г. (♂) в окр. с. Тугур на западном побережье Охотского моря. По сообщению А.Г.Кузнецова (препаратора местного музея), собравшего этот вид, H. scriptura встретился ему в долинных редкостойных лиственничных лесах" [This nearctic species was found on Far East only once – by July 11, 1943 (♂) in the vicinities of Tugur at western coast of the Okhotskoye sea. Under the message of A.G.KUSNETZOV (the praeparator of a local museum), which collected this species, H. scriptura has met to him in the valley woods from Larix sibirica]. Y.P.Korshunov in his catalogue (1972: 140) wrote about this species: "По одному самцу описан sbsp. kusnetzovi Kurentz. Гениталии не исследованы. Для окончательных выводов, на наш взгляд, необходимы дополнительные материалы и сравнение с неарктическими особями в натуре" [On one male sbsp. kusnetzovi Kurentz. is described. A genitalia are not investigated. For final conclusions, on our sight, the additional materials and comparison with nearctic specimens are necessary].

Rapala caerulea (Bremer & Grey, 1852) (DUBATOLOV & MURZIN, 1988: 87) was listed from the Southern Ussuri region by the misidentification (GORBUNOV, 2001: 97).

Sodarga gotama (Moore in Horsfield & Moore, 1857) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 54). It listed as a species which is possible for the Ussuri region; later here not found.

Thersamonia gordius (Sulzer, 1776) listed from Caucasus ("Olgeti", "Torgim") and figured on the photos 10 and 11 of the work of Z.BÁLINT et al. (1996: 351); it is not good that figures illustrated only the upperside of butterflies and both figured specimens are very poor in their quality and very close to T. thersamon (Esper, 1784); I think that this species was wrongly determinated as T. gordius.

Thymelicus pfeifferi (Bytinski-Salz & Brandt, 1937) (DE JONG, 1984: 160) listed from Armenia, but later here not found.

Timalaea maculata (Bremer & Grey, 1852) (KURENTZOV, 1970: 102) listed as a species which is possible to South Ussuri region; later here not found.

© Korb S.K.


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