Family Papilionidae Latreille, [1802]
subfamily Papilioninae Latreille, [1802]
tribus Troidini Ford, 1944
Genus Atrophaneura Reakirt, [1865].
Exotic butterflies, 2: 14. TS: Atrophaneura erythrocoma Reakirt, [1865]
1. alcinous Klug, 1896 (Papilio). Neue Schmetterlingen Insekten, Berlin, 1: 12, Taf. 1 (1-4).
TL: "Japan".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● alcinous Klug, 1836
D: Southern Ussuri district: Khasansky region, valleys of rivers Amba, Elduga, Sanduga, as well as Gusevsky rudnik and Borisovskoe plateau (Korshunov & Gorbunov, 1995: 43).
tribus Papilionini Latreille, [1802]
Genus Papilio Linnaeus, 1758
Systema Naturae... (ed. 10), 1: 458. TS: Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758.
2. alexanor Esper, [1799] (Papilio). Die Schmetterlinge in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. Supplementband 1 (1): 89; Tab. 110, Fig. 1.
TL: Nicé, South France.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● hazarajatica Wyatt, 1961 (Papilio). The Journal of the Lepidopterological Society, 15 (1): 13, pl. 3, fig. 2.
TL: "Shiva Mts."
D: Kopet-Dagh; mountain ridges Kugitangtau, Babatagh, Aktau, Karatau, Tereklitau (SW Tadzhikistan).
● orientalis Romanoff, 1884 (Papilio). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 1: 41; pl. 5, fig. 1.
TL: "Ordoubad".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of alexanor.
D: Daralagezsky Mts., Zangezursky Mts., Ayozdorsky Mts., Mt. Aragaz (Transcaucasus).
● voldemar Kreuzberg, 1989 (Papilio). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 39; ris. 8.
TL: "Узбекская ССР, хр. Каржантау, ущ. Акташ, 1200 м" [Uzbekistan, Karzhantau Mts., Aktash valley, 1200 m].
Originally described as a subspecies of alexanor.
D: West Tian Shan: mountain ridges Ugamsky, Pskemsky, Chandalashsky, Chatkalsky, Kuraminsky, Karzhantau,
Karatau, Kazykurt, Koksujsky; western parts of Alai; Gissar: western parts of Turkestansky Mts.
3. aliaska Scudder, 1869 (Papilio). Annales and Reports of the Peabody Academia of Sciences, 1869: 71.
TL: "Alaska, Nulato". The specific rank was given by Ulf Eitschberger (1993: 30).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
● ssp. ?
D: Chukotka; Koryakskoe Nagorje (Tilichki).
4. machaon Linnaeus, 1758 (Papilio). Systema Naturae... (ed. 10), 1: 462.
TL: Sweden.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● baijianensis Huang & Murayama, 1992 (Papilio). Tyô to Ga, Tokyo, 43 (1): 1; fig. 1.
TL: "Huocheng, Tianshan, 2300 m, subalpine grassland".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
D: Ketmen Mts (North Tian Shan).
● chishimana Matsumura, 1929 (Papilio). Insecta Matsumurana, 2 (4): 191 - 192.
TL: "Shakotan, Fushikotan, Uyenkotan".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
D: Kuril Islands: Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup, Simushir, Paramushir.
● centralis Staudinger, 1886 (Papilio). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 47: 193.
TL: Samarkand, Margelan.
Had been originally described as a variety of machaon.
D: All deserts and steppes of Middle Asia.
● gorganus Fruhstorfer, 1922 (Papilio). Entomologische Rundschau, 39: 13.
TL: Middle Europa.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
D: South of European part (from northern limit of steppes to Caucasus); Great Caucasus; Crimea.
● kamtschadalus Alphéraky, 1897 (Papilio). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 9: 301, pl. 14, fig. 1.
TL: "Kamtschatka".
Had been originally described as a variety of machaon.
D: Kamchatka.
● ladakensis Moore, 1884 (Papilio). Journal of the Asiatis Society of Benghalia, 53 (1): 46.
TL: "Tarhsam, Ladak" (Seyer, 1976: 77).
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: Alai and Pamir mountains.
● orienus Sheljuzhko, 1919 (Papilio). Neue Beitrage systematische der Insektenkunde, Dresden, 1: 124 - 126.
TL: "Naryn".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
D: Mountains of Tian Shan, Darvaz and Gissar.
● septentrionalis Verity, [1911] (Papilio). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 299.
TL: "Japan: Hokkaido: Sapporo, Hakodate" (Kudrna, 1983: 46).
Had been originally described as a race of machaon.
D: Iturup island (Kuriles).
● ussuriensis Sheljuzhko, 1910 (Papilio). Revue Russe dEntomologie, Moscow, 9: 383.
TL: Sakhalin and Ussuri region.
Had been originally described as a variety of machaon.
D: Amur and Ussuri districts.
● weidenhofferi Seyer, 1976 (Papilio). Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel, 26: 70.
TL: North Iran, Elburs.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of machaon.
D: Kopet-Dagh.
Genus Sinoprinceps Hancock, 1983
Smithersia, 2: 21. TS: Papilio xuthus Linné, 1767.
5. xuthus Linné, 1767 (Papilio). Systema Naturae... (ed. 12), 1: 751.
TL: Middle Amur.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● xuthus Linné, 1767 (Papilio).
D: Amur district (sometimes up to Irkutsk); Ussuri district; Sakhalin.
Genus Achillides Hübner, [1819].
Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge, Augsburg: 57. TS: Papilio paris Linnaeus, 1758.
6. bianor Cramer, 1777 (Papilio). Papiliones Exotiques, 2: 10; Tab. 103, fig. C.
TL: South China.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● dehaani C. & R.Felder, [1864] (Papilio). Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft, Wien, 14: 323, 371.
TL: "Japan".
D: Sakhalin; all Kuril islands.
7. maackii Ménétriès, 1859 (Papilio). Bulletin physique de lAcademie de Saint-Pétersbourg, 3 (1): 100.
TL: "lembouchure de lOussouri dans lAmur".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● maackii Ménétriès, 1859 (Papilio)
D: Ussuri and Amur districts; Sakhalin.
● titanus Fenton in Butler, [1882] (Papilio). Proceedings of the zoological Society of London, 1881 (4): 849, 855.
TL: Japan, Hokkaido, Iburi.
Had been originally described as a variety of maackii.
D: Kuril Islands.
tribus Leptocircini Kirby, 1896
Genus Iphiclides Hübner, [1819]
Verzeichniss bekannter Schmett[er]linge, Augsburg: 82. TS: Papilio podalirius Linnaeus, 1758.
8. podalirius Linnaeus, 1758 (Papilio). Systema Naturae... (ed. 10), 1: 463.
TL: Livorno, Italy.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● centralasiae Rosen in Seitz, 1929 (Papilio). Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Eine systematische Bearbeitung der bis jetzt bekannten Gross-Schmetterlinge. Supplement zu Band 1. Die palaearktischen Tagfalter, Stuttgart: 10.
TL: "Dsarkent".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of podalirius.
D: West Tian Shan: Talassky and Syrdarjinsky-Karatau mountain ridges; North Tian Shan: all ridges except Terskey Ala-Too; Dzhungaria.
● persica Verity, [1911] (Papilio). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 291.
TL: "Perse: Gulhak" (Kudrna, 1983: 45).
Had been originally described as a race of podalirius.
D: Transcaucasus; Kopet-Dagh.
● podalirius Linnaeus, 1758.
D: European part (without north); Caucasus; Crimea; Altai (without east).
subfamily Zerynthiinae Grote, 1899
tribus Luehdorfiini Tutt, 1896
Genus Luehdorfia Grüger, 1878
Verhandlungen des Vereins der naturwissenschaftlichen Unterhaltung, Hamburg, 3: 128. TS: Luehdorfia eximia Grüger, 1878.
9. puziloi Erschoff, 1872 (Thais). Horae Societatis entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 8: 315.
TL: Vladivostok.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● puziloi Erschoff, 1872 (Thais).
D: Southern part of Ussuri district (Glustshenko & Sasova, 1994); Sakhalin (Klitin, 1989).
tribus Sericini Dujardin, 1965
Genus Sericinus Westwood, 1851
Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 1: 173. TS: Papilio telamon Donovan, 1798.
10. montela Gray, 1853 (Sericinus). Catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the British Museum, London, 1: 78; pl. 13, figs. 1, 2.
TL: China.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● koreanus Fixsen, 1887 (Sericinus). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 3: 257.
TL: North Corea: [Pung-Tung Mts.].
Had been originally described as a variety of telamon.
D: Southertn Ussuri district, in the rivers valleys.
tribus Zerynthiini Grote, 1899
Genus Allancastria Bryk, 1934
Das Tierreich, 64: 19, 61 - 62. TS: Thais cerisyi Godart, [1824].
11. caucasica Lederer, 1864 (Thais). Wiener entomologischen Monatsschrift, 8: 165; Taf. 3, Fign. 1, 2.
TL: "Kutais" - by the lectotype designation (Nekrutenko, 1990: 57).
Had been originally described as a variety of cerisyi.
● caucasica Lederer, 1864 (Thais).
D: Caucasus (from Tuapse - Gojtkhsky pass to Kakha - Majkop); Kolkhida; Transcaucasus: Meskhetsky and Shavshetsky mountain ridges.
Genus Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816
Die Schmetterlinge von Europa, Leipzig, 4: 29. TS: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1777.
12. polyxena [Denis & Schiffermüller], [1775] (Papilio). Ankündung eines systematischen Werkes von den Schmetterlingen der Wienergegend, Wien: 162.
TL: Vienna.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● ssp. ?
D: Mugodzhary mountains in NW Kasakhstan.
Remark. The population of polyxena from NW Kasakhstan isolated from the general part of the species area and the specimens from this locality are distinguished from the specimens of nomynotypical population and from ssp. thesto by the size and wing coloration; this Mugodzharys population, perhaps, is a good subspecies, but I dont have the material for their description.
● thesto Fruhstorfer, 1908 (Thais). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 22: 16.
TL: "Saratov".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of polyxena.
D: South of European part; western part of Praecaucasus to Tuapse - Novorossijsk; Crimea; South Ural (the Ural river valley from Magnitogorsk).
subfamily Parnassiinae Duponchel, [1835]
tribus Parnassiini Duponchel, [1835]
subtribus Parnassiina Duponchel, [1835]
Genus Parnassius Latreille, 1804
Nouveau Dictionaire dHistoire naturelle, Paris, 24: 185, 199. TS: Papilio apollo Linnaeus, 1758.
Remark 1. F.Bryk (1935) and F.Moore (1902) divided Parnassius sensu lato into five genera on the base of differences in the wing venation and relative length of the foretibial epiphysis. As shown by E.Munroe (1960) the groups so defined dont agree with those indicated by the male genitalia, but it is wrong because these groups are distinguished very good by the male genitalic structures (Korshunov, 1988, 1990; Sokolov, 1929) as well as by the egg structure (Häuser et al. , 1993) and by the trophomorpha of larvae (Kreuzberg & Djakonov, 1993). I think that this "genus" includes three subtribes and 7 genera: Parnassius sensu stricto, Driopa (with subgenera Driopa sensu stricto and Erythrodriopa), Koramius, Tadumia, Kreizbergius, Kailasius (with subgenera Kailasius sensu stricto, Lingamius, Quinchaicus and Eukoramius) and Sachaia.
Remark 2. The mistake of authorship of Parnassius by A.Ö.Koçak (1981: 51) was corrected by S.Wagener (1988: 238).
Remark 3. In the paper of C.L.Häuser (1993) the following taxa of ex-USSRs Parnassius sensu lato as good species are listed: priamus Bryk, 1913 and ammosovi Korshunov, 1988. Im not agree with this opinion and place these taxa in this catalogue only as subspecies of patricius (the first) and arctica (the second); ammosovi had been originally described only by two specimens - male and female - from the Suntar-Khayata Mts. without correct localisation and it is very difficult their status good to interprete here, so I place it in arctica only as subspecies because this taxon "would then be a junior synonym of arctica depending on the identity of the holotype of the latter" (Häuser, 1993: 142).
13. actius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Société des Naturalistes de Moscou, 16: 540; Tab. 9, fig. 2.
TL: Dzhungarian Alatau.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● actius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis).
D: Dzhungaria.
● dubitabilis Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 313; Tab. 53, fig. 3.
TL: "Karagai-tau".
Described as a forma of actius.
D: North Tian Shan (without Terskey Ala-Too); Talassky Ala-Tau Mts.; listed from SW Altai (Elwes, 1899; Korshunov, 1972; Standel, 1957) but later here not located (Kosterin, 1993; Yakovlev, 1998).
● caesar Grumm-Grshimaïlo, 1885 (Parnassius). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 2: 247.
TL: Kyzyl Art in Transalai.
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: all mountain ridges of Alai, Darvaz and Pamir.
● minutus Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 313; Tab. 53, fig. 5, 6; Tab. 58, fig. 12, 13.
TL: "Issyk Koul", "Jouldousse".
Had been originally described as a race of actius.
D: Terskey Ala-Too Mts.; all mountain ridges in Interior and South Tian Shan.
14. apollo Linnaeus, 1758 (Papilio). Systema Naturae... (ed. 10), 1: 465.
TL: Middle Sweden.
Had been originally described as a good species.
Remark. I used the system of P. apollo as in the book of H.Glaßl (1993).
● adzharensis Sheljuzhko, 1924 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 14: 49.
TL: "Adzhara Mts. / ms. Sapilet" - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko, 1990: 54).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Adzharia.
● alpherakyi Krulikowsky, 1906 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 21: 49.
TL: "Altai".
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Altai (without south-western part).
● breitfussi Bryk, 1914 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 5: 73; Taf. 7, Fig. 3.
TL: Dzhankoi, Crimea.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Crimea ?.
Remark 1. "Достойно удивления... то, что из Крыма был описан "подвид" P. apollo breitfussi... по двум экземплярам (самцу и самке) из местности "Dneankou" (Джанкой! - написанное по-русски от руки, это слово только так можно воспроизвести латинскими буквами). Нахождение этого вида в степном безлесном и равнинном Джанкойском р-не совершенно невероятно" (Nekrutenko, 1985 a: 34 - 35) [It is extraordinary that from Crimea described "subspecies" P. apollo breitfussi by two specimens (male and female) from the locality "Dneankou" (Dzhankoi! - this wort which writted in Russian and manuscriptly, only so can transliterated by the latin letters). A finding of this species in the steppes of Dzhankoi district is absolut impossible].
Remark 2. P. apollo not included in the book of Y.P.Nekrutenko (1985 a) about butterflies of Crimea.
Remark 3. "A female specimen in ZMKU (above) designated as "paralectotypus" by Kreuzberg (unpublished) have not been originally included into the type series... and cannot be involved into the lectotype designation. [Male], [female] syntypes later designated by Eisner (1966: 38) as "holotype" and "allotype" (lectotype and paralectotype respectively - ICZN, art. 74 (b)) deposited in RMNL have been examined by Nekrutenko" (Tshikolovets, 1993: 18).
Remark 4. I think that this species can be found in the Crimean butterfly fauna, in his mountain regions.
● carelius Bryk, 1911 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 26: 97.
TL: Myllykylae.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: North European part: Karelia, Leningrad region (very rare), Estonia (very rare), Latvia (very rare), Litva (very rare).
● carpathicus Rebel & Rogenhofer, 1892 (Parnassius). Jahresbuch des Wiener entomologischen Vereins, 1892: 61.
TL: Eperjes (Preschau).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: district of Uzhgorod (Ukraina).
● caucasicus Pagenstecher, 1912 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 3: 65 - 84.
TL: Borzhomi.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Little Caucasus from Akhalzikh to Alaverdi and from Khashuri to Abul.
● ciscaucasicus Sheljuzhko, 1924 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 14: 47.
TL: "Orechovaja Balka, ms. Bermamyt prope Kislovodsk".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: North Caucasus from Kislovodsk to Ordzhonikidze.
● democratus Krulikovsky, 1906 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 21: 49.
TL: "Viatka, Jelabuga".
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Regions of Izhevsk, Kasan, Yoshkar-Ola, Uljanovsk, Syzran, Samara, Tolyatti, Glasov; western part of the Perm region.
● hesebolus Nordmann, 1851 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Société impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 24: 403.
TL: Mongolia.
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Transbaikal region: Bajkalsky Mts., and from Kyakhta to Sokhondo.
● kashtshenkoi Sheljuzhko, 1908 (Parnassius). Revue Russe dEntomologie, Saint-Pétersbourg, 7: 232.
TL: "Ms. Ararat" - by the lectotype designation (Nekrutenko, 1990: 54).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Araks valley (Transcaucasus).
● limicola Stichel in Seitz, 1906 (Parnassius). Die Groß-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Die Groß-Schmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes. Die palaearktischen Tagfalter, Stuttgart, 1: 25; Tab. 12b. [nom. nov. pro Parnassius apollo uralensis Oberhür, 1891, nom. praeocc. pro Parnassius phoebus uralensis Kirby, 1871].
TL: "Ural".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: South Ural from Nizhnij Tagil to Orenburg - Orsk.
● meinhardi Sheljuzhko, 1924 (Parnassius). Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Entomologie-Vereins, Wien, 9: 57.
TL: SW Siberia.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: SW Altai.
● minerva A.Bang-Haas, 1910 (Parnassius). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 10: 16.
TL: Juldus.
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Dzhungaria.
● moscovitus Bryk & Eisner, 1938 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 6: 8.
TL: "Ilinskoje".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: European part: regions of Moscow, Kaluga, Tula, Tambov, Saransk, Ryazan, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.
● sibiricus Nordmann, 1851 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Société impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 24: 423; Tab. 11, fig. 1.
TL: Irkutzk.
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Eastern part of East Sayan from river Uda to lake Baikal.
● sojoticus Bryk, 1912 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 27: 11.
TL: "Aran-Surgol".
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Western part of East Sayan from Artemovsk to river Uda; West Sayan.
● suaneticus Arnold, 1909 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Guben, 23: 160.
TL: "Suanetia, Latrapi".
Had been originally described as a variety of apollo.
D: Southern slope of Great Caucasus from Tkvartsheli to Rion river.
● tarbagataicus Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 307; Tab. 54, fig. 6.
TL: "Saour, Tarbagatai or."
Had been originally described as a race of apollo.
D: Saur; Tarbagatai.
● tindianus Bryk & Eisner, 1938 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 6: 26.
TL: "Tindi, Bogos-montes".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Dagestan.
● tkatshukovi Sheljuzhko, 1908 (Parnassius). Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Entomologie-Vereins, Wein, 20: 23; Taf. 2, Fig. 5, 6.
TL: "Gouv. Erivanj, Daratshishag".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Armenia from Aragats to Sevan lake - Araks valley.
● transiliensis Eisner, 1966 (Parnassius). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 40: 191.
TL: Alma Ata.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: West Tian Shan (without southern part); North Tian Shan; Inner Tian Shan westwards of the line Andizhan - Aksu.
● transsylvanicus Schweitzer, 1912 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Guben, 25: 29.
TL: "Siebenbürgen".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollo.
D: Ukraina: Bukovina; Carpathians from Lomniza river to Chernovitz.
● zaissanensis Korb, in litt. (Parnassius)
15. apollonius Eversmann, 1847 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Sosiété impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 20 (3): 71; Tab. 3, fig. 1, 2.
TL: "Songaria" [Dzhungarian Alatau].
Had been originally described as a good species.
● alicae Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 34; ris. 4.
TL: "Казахская ССР, пойма р. Ишим на границе Кустанайской и Кокчетавской областей, совхоз "Западный" [Kazakhstan, Ishims river basin on the border of Kustanai and Kokchetav regions, Sovkhoz "Zapadny"].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: TL.
● alpinus Staudinger, 1887 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 48: 49.
TL: "Alexandergebirge".
Had been originally described as a variety of apollonius.
D: North Tian Shan.
● aphrodite Bryk & Eisner, 1934 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 19.
TL: "Dsarkent".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: Terskey Ala-Too Mts.
● apollonius Eversmann, 1847 (Doritis).
D: Dzhungaria; Tarbagatai.
● daubi Fruhstorfer, 1903 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 18: 49.
TL: "Sultan Hazret" - by the lectotype (Ebert, 1971: 159).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: All mountains in Gissar (without north); Alai.
● glaucopis Bryk & Eisner, 1934 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 19.
TL: "Belomorun, Karatau".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: Syrdaryinsky Karatau Mts.
● horaki Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 34 - 36; ris. 4 [= hozaki Kreuzberg, 1989, loc. cit.: ris. 4, syn.n.].
TL: "Узбекская ССР, Зеравшанский хр., урочище Аман-Кутан, 1500 м" [Uzbekistan, Zeravshan Mts., Aman-Kutan valley, 1500 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: Gissar Mts.; Nuratau Mts.; Turkestansky Mts.; Zeravshansky Mts.
● kruseki Schulte, 1991 (Parnassius). Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo, N.F., Frankfurt am Main, 12: 104 - 105; Taf. 1, Abbn. 7, 8.
TL: "UdSSR, Kirghisistan, Talasskij-Alatau, 3200 m, 50 km nördl. Ala-Buka".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: Talassky Mts.
● narynus Fruhstorfer, 1908 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 22: 51.
TL: "Naryn".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: Inner Tian Shan; South Tian Shan.
● poseidon Bryk & Eisner, 1934 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 20.
TL: "Taschkent".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of apollonius.
D: West Tian Shan (without Talassky Ala-Too Mts.).
● ssp. ?
D: SW Altai (Lukhtanov & Lukhtanov, 1987).
16. bremeri Bremer, 1864 (Parnassius). Mémoires de la Akademie impériale des Sciences, Saint-Pétersbourg, 8 (7 Ser.): 6; Taf. 1, fig. 3, 4.
TL: "Amur Ufer" - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg in Tshikolovets, 1993 b: 12), by the original descripion: "…mündung des Oldoi, an der Dseja und im Bureja-Gebirge".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● amgunensis Sheljuzhko, 1928 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der Münchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 18: 1; fig. 1 - 4.
TL: "bei den Goldgruben am Flusse Amgunj (Zufluss vom Amur), in einer Entfernung von ca. 200 Werst von Nikolajevsk (an der Amurmündung)".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of bremeri.
D: Amgun valley.
● bremeri Bremer, 1864 (Parnassius).
D: Amur district (without Amgun valley); western part of Ussuri district.
● conjunctus Staudinger in Staudinger & Rebel, 1901 (Parnassius). Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearktischen Faunengebietes, Berlin (ed. 3), 1: 5.
TL: "Ussuri meridionalis, Taiping-Lin, Kirin-Pogranitsnaja".
Had been originally described as a variety of bremeri.
D: Central part of Ussuri district.
● graeseri Honrath, 1885 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 29: 272.
TL: "Apfelgebirge": Pokrovka-na-Amure.
Had been originally described as a variety of bremeri.
D: North Ussuri region.
● jaetensis O.Bang-Haas, 1927 (Parnassius). Horae Macrolepidopterologicae regionis palaearcticae, Dresden-Blasevitz, 1: 9.
TL: "Transbaicalia méridionalis: Tal des Tschikoi, Borochojewa, Tschita".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of bremeri.
D: Transbaikal.
● nipponus Kreuzberg, 1992 (Parnassius). [description unknown].
TL: "Kunashir island".
D: South Kuril Islands.
● orotschonica O.Bang-Haas, 1927 (Parnassius). Horae Macrolepidopterologicae regionis palaearcticae, Dresden-Blasevitz, 1: 10; Taf. 1, Fign. 7 - 8.
TL: "Küstenprovinz: Sichota-Alin-Geb., Tjutiche-Bucht, Ternej-Bucht".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of bremeri.
D: eastern part of Ussuri district.
17. honrathi Staudinger in Staudinger & Bang-Haas, 1882 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 26: 161; Taf. 1, Fign. 4, 5; Taf. 2, Fig. 5.
TL: "etwa 2000 - 2500 Meter hoch auf dem Hazret Sultan Gebirge, südlich von Samarkand".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● alburnus Stichel, 1907 (Parnassius). Genera Insectorum, Lepidoptera, 58: 25.
TL: Khorog.
Had been originally described as a variety of honrathi.
D: West Pamir; Alai.
● ernesti Bryk, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2 (3): 32.
TL: Darvaz, Karategin, Garm.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of honrathi.
D: Eastern part of Gissar; Darvaz.
● honrathi Staudinger, 1882 (Parnassius).
D: Western part of Gissar.
18. jacquemonti Boisduval, 1836 (Parnassius). Histoire naturelle des Insectes. Species général des Lépidoptères, Paris, 1: 400.
TL: "Himalayas" - by the lectotype (Ackery, 1973: 6).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● chitralensis Moore, 1902 (Parnassius). Lepidoptera Indica, 5: 107; pl. 406, fig. 2.
TL: "Chitral, N.-W. of Kashmir".
Originally described as good species.
D: SW Pamir (Ishkashimsky and Shakhdarinsky mountain ridges).
● pamirus O.Bang-Haas, 1927 (Parnassius). Horae Macrolepidopterae regionis palaearcticae, Dresden-Blasevitz, 1:
TL: Beik pass.
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: East Pamir.
● peter Bryk & Eisner, 1935 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3 (3): 81.
TL: Karategin.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of jacquemonti.
D: Gissar: Mountain ridges Peter the Great, Gissarsky, Turkestansky, Zeravshansky.
● rubicundus Stichel, 1906 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 51: 87.
TL: Darvaz.
Had been originally described as a variety of jacquemonti.
D: Darvaz; West Pamir (without Ishkashimsky and Shakhdarinsky mountain ridges).
● variabilis Stichel, 1906 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 51: 87.
TL: "Ost-Fergana, Alpen von Osch".
Had been originally described as a variety of jacquemonti.
D: Inner Tian Shan; Alai.
19. nomion Fischer de Waldheim, 1823 (Parnassius). Entomographia Imperii Rossici..., 5: 242; Tab. 6, fig. 3.
TL: "Dauria".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● dis Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1890 (Parnassius). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 4: 174.
TL: Irkutzk.
Had been originally described as a variety of nomion.
D: Praebaikal; East Sayan.
● korshunovi Kreuzberg & Pljustsh, 1992 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1992 (6): 78; ris. 1.
TL: "Горный Алтай, горы у р. Катунь, 2000 м" [Altai, mountains near Katun river, 2000 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of nomion.
D: Altai; West Sayan; Tuva; North Ural (from W Sabli to Lun-Sabli; between Woy-Sabla and Lun-Sabla; Shugar river); Middle Ural (Karpushikha).
● mandschuriae Oberthür, 1891 (Parnassius). Études dEntomologie, Helsingfors, 14: 2.
TL: "Taiping-lin" in Mandshuria.
Had been originally described as a forma of nomion.
D: Ussuri district; Amur district.
● nomion Fischer de Waldheim, 1823 (Parnassius).
D: Transbaikal.
20. phoebus Fabricius, 1793 (Papilio). Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta..., Hafniae, 3: 181.
TL: "Siberia": Altai, Ongodai (by the neotype - Gorbunov, 2001: 52).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● badmaevi Marynenko & Glustshenko, 2001 (Parnassius).Helios, Moscow, 2: 38 - 44; pl. 4, figs. 1 - 2, 5 - 6.
TL: Buryatia, Khamar-Daban Mts, Tsakirka river.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: TL.
● corybas Fischer de Waldheim, 1824 (Parnassius). Entomographia Imperii Rossici; Lepidoptera, Moskou, [2]: 241, Tab. 6, Fig. 1, 2.
TL: "Kamschatka".
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: Kamtschatka; eastern part of Magadan region.
● halasicus Huang & Murayama, 1992 (Parnassius). Tyô to Ga, Tokyo, 43: 3; fig. 4.
TL: "Halasi, Altai, 1700 - 1900 m, grassland in forest zone to subalpine grassland".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: SW Altai.
● interposita Herz, 1903 (Parnassius). Annales Musei zoologici Akademiae Scientarum, Sankt-Petersburg, 8: 62.
TL: "im Janathale bei Sisoi-Bass".
Had been originally described as a variety of delius Esper, [1800].
D: East Siberia; Chukotka; Far East.
● nikolaii Asahi, Kanda, Kawata & Kohara, 1999 (Parnassius). Butterflies of Sakhalin in nature, Tokyo: 127, 283, 286.
TL: Central Sakhalin, Khrebovaya river.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: Central and Southern Sakhalin.
● phoebus Fabricius, 1793 (Papilio).
D: Altai; West Sayan; Tuva.
● sauricus Lukhtanov, 1999 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 30 (1/4): 136 - 137.
TL: "Kasachstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk-Gebiet, Saur-Gebirge, Kysylkiya, 2900 m".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: Saur and Tarbagatai mountain country.
● sedakovii [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850] (Parnassius). Russkaya fauna, Moscow, 17, Lepidoptera: tab. 4, fig. 2.
TL: "Irkutzk" - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko & Kerzhner, 1986: 776).
Had been originally described as a variety of phoebus.
D: East Sayan; Praebaikal; Transbaikal; Amur district.
● severus Churkin & Zamolodchikov, 2004 (Parnassius). Helios, Moscow, 5: 117 - 119; pl. 8, figs. 1 - 4.
TL: "Russia, East Chukotka, 20 km W. fr. Lavrentia v., 400 m".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: TL.
● uralensis Ménétriès in Schrenck, 1859 (Parnassius). Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande, Sankt-Petersburg, 2 (1): 13 [uralensis Kirby, 1871 (Parnassius). A synonymic catalogue of diurnal Lepidoptera, London: 512 - new status].
TL: North Ural.
Had been originally described in quadrinominal combination as a forma of variety intermedius of phoebus.
D: North Ural.
● zamolodtschikovi Belik, 1996 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 27: 189 - 192; col. pl. 1, figs. 1 - 4.
TL: "Russia, northwestern part of Eastern Siberia, Putorana plateau, near eastern extremity of Lama Lake, 800 m".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of phoebus.
D: TL.
21. tianschanicus Oberthür, 1879 (Parnassius). Études dEntomologie, 4: 108.
TL: Tian Shan: Kuldja.
Had been originally described as a variety of corybas.
● alexander Bryk & Eisner, 1935 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 81.
TL: "Alexander-Gebirge".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of tianschanicus.
D: Kirghiz Mts.
● chimganus Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 33; ris. 2.
TL: "Узбекская ССР, Чаткальский хр., урочище Чимган, 2300 м" [Uzbekistan, Chatkalsky Mts., Chimgan valley, 2300 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of tianschanicus.
D: West Tian Shan: Chatkalsky, Uzunkhamatsky, Karzhantau, Baubashata, Talassky, Ugamsky, Karatau Syrdarjinsky, Pskemsky, Kuraminsky mountain ridges.
● grumgrshimailoi O.Bang-Haas, 1927 (Parnassius). Horae Macrolepidopterologicae regionis palaearcticae, Dresden-Blasevitz, 1: 102. [nom. nov. pro P. tianschanicus romanovi Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1888, nec P. charltonius romanovi Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1885].
TL: Aram Kungei.
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: eastern and central parts of Transalai Mts; Alai Mts.
● kaindyensis Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 32 - 33; ris. 1.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, хр. Каинды, горный массив Уч-Чат, 3000 м" [Kirgizia, Kaindy Mts., Uch-Chat, 3000 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of tianschanicus.
D: Inner Tian Shan: Kaindy Mts., Inylchektau Mts., Sarydzhaz Mts., Kuylyu Mts., southrn slope of the eastern part of Terskey Ala-Too.
● insignis Staudinger, 1886 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 47: 194 - 195.
TL: "südlichen Alai".
Had been originally described as a variety of discobolus.
D: Vanch Mts.; Muzkol, Severo-Alichursky and Yuzhno-Alichursky Mts.
● maureri Bryk & Eisner, 1935 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 82.
TL: Gissar Mts.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of tianschanicus.
D: Gissar; Darvaz.
● minor Staudinger, 1881 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 42: 277.
TL: Dzhungarian Alatau.
Had been originally described as a variety of discobolus Staudinger, 1881.
D: Dzhungaria.
● tianschanicus Oberthür, 1879 (Parnassius).
D: Tian Shan: Ketmen, Transili, Kungey Alatau, Terskey Ala-Too (without locality of kaindyensis); western part of Inner Tian Shan; South Tian Shan.
● superbus Austaut, 1889 (Parnassius). Les Parnassius de la faune paléarctique, Leipzig: 206.
TL: Kudara, Pamir.
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: West Pamir (without Vanch Mts.).
Genus Driopa Korshunov, 1988
Taksonomija zhivotnykh Sibiri, Novosibirsk: 65. TS: Papilio mnemosyne Linnaeus, 1758.
Subgenus Driopa sensu stricto
22. glacialis Butler, 1866 (Parnassius). The Journal of the Linnean Society, London, 9: 50.
TL: "Japan, Hakodadi".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● ssp. ?
D: Ussuri district: Partizansk vicinity (1 female in my collection).
23. hoenei Schweitzer, 1912 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 25: 57.
TL: "Hokkaido".
Had been originally described as a variety of stubbendorfii.
● esakii Nakahara, 1926 (Parnassius). Insecutor Incistula menestr, Washington, 14: 45 - 48.
TL: "Saghalien, Toyohara".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of stubbendorfii.
D: Sakhalin.
● doii Matsumura, 1929 (Parnassius). Inseca Masumurana, Sapporo, 2 (4): 191, 201.
TL: Shikotan in South Kuriles.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of stubbendorfii.
D: South Kuriles.
24. mnemosyne Linnaeus, 1758 (Papilio). Systema Naturae... (ed. 10), 1: 465.
TL: South Finland.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● caucasia Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 320; pl. 72, fig. 33.
TL: "Cauc. sept. / occ. / Kub.[an] Geb." - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko, 1990: 50).
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: northern slope of Great Caucasus.
● craspedontis Fruhstorfer, 1909 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 22: 192.
TL: "Südrussland, Saratow".
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: Southern part of European Russia.
● daghestanus Bryk & Eisner, 1934 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 39:
TL: "Tindi, Bogos-Kette, Daghestan, Russland" - by the holotype (Nekrutenko, 1990: 50).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Dagestan.
● delgranprincipe Bryk, 1912 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 27: 88; fig. 15 - 17.
TL: "Adshara" - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko, 1990: 50).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Adzharia.
● estonicus Bryk, 1922 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 37: 5.
TL: "Toila" - by the lectotype (Eisner, 1966: 8).
Had been originally described as a forma of mnemosyne.
D: Estonia; Litva; Latvia.
● falsus Pagenstecher, 1911 (Parnassius). Jahrbuch des Vereins in Nassau, 64: 305, 307, 310.
TL: "Aulie Ata".
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: Syrdarjinsky Karatau Mts.
● giganteus Staudinger, 1943 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift,
TL: Alai.
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: Alai and Transalai mountain ridges.
● karjala Bryk, 1911 (Parnassius). Societas Entomologica, 26: 37; figs. 1 - 4.
TL: "Myllykick" - by the lectotype (Eisner, 1966: 8).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Karelia; St.-Petersburg reg.
● ochracea Austaut, 1891 (Parnassius). Naturaliste, 13: 180.
TL: "Tura".
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: east Gissar.
● orientalis Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 321; pl. 65, figs. 12, 13. [orientalis Rothschild, 1918 (Parnassius). Novitates Zoologicae, 25: 224 - new status].
TL: "Monts Alexandre".
Had been originally described as a variety of gigantea Staudinger, 1886 of mnemosyne.
D: North Tian Shan.
● osiliensis Viidalepp, 1966 (Parnassius). Uchonye zapiski Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Tartu, 180: 41 - 44; ris. 2 - 5, 13.
TL: "на о. Сааремаа" [Saaremaa island].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Saaremaa island (Kesküla, 1989).
● rjabovi Sheljuzhko, 1935 (Parnassius). Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Entomologie-Vereins, Wein, 20: 22; Taf. 2, Fig. 3, 4.
TL: "Daratshitshag, gub. Erivan".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Armenia.
● sarafschana Bryk & Eisner, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 74.
TL: "Samarkand" - by the lectotype (Eisner, 1966: 14).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: West Gissar.
● tadschikistana Bryk, 1932 (Parnassiana). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 46.
TL: "Sarypoul, prov. Kuliab".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Gissar (south).
● taleschensis Ebert, 1975 (Parnassius). Journal of the Entomological Society of Iran, Suppl. 1: 6.
TL: "NW Iran: Talesch-Wald (Talysch), Staatsforst von Asalem bei Haschpar ca. 30 km westl. der Küste, ca. 1400 m".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Talysh; Kopet-Dagh.
● teberdinus Eisner, 1954 (Parnassius). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 33: 46 - 47.
TL: "Teberda".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: TL.
● timanicus Eisner & Sedykh, 1964 (Parnassius). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 40: 137; pl. 1, fig. 1, 2.
TL: "Timan-Kette bei Uchta".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Timan mountainous formation from Ukhta to Koslan.
● tjumensis Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 36; ris. 5.
TL: "Тюменская обл., 50 км северо-восточнее Тобольска, окр. ст. Ингаир" [Tyumen reg., 50 km NE Tobolsk, Ingair].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: TL.
● ucrainica Bryk, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 33.
TL: "Iljintzy, Lipovetaki ujezd. (gub. Kiew)".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: Ukraina; Moldova.
● ugrjumovi Bryk, 1914 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 58: 201; Taf. 2, Fig. 1, 2, 5, 6.
TL: "Jelabuga".
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: Area between Novgorod - Smolensk - Orel - Uljanovsk - Izhevsk - Solikamsk - Vologda.
● uralka Bryk, 1921 (Parnassius). Entomologisk Tidskrift, 42: 115; fig. 5 - 7.
TL: "Uralka".
Had been originally described as a variety of mnemosyne.
D: Middle and South Ural.
● valentinae Sheljuzhko, 1943 (Parnassius). Zeitschrift der Wiener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 28: 81.
TL: "Karzhantau-Gebirge".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of mnemosyne.
D: West Tian Shan.
● vanchensis Kreuzberg, 1993, nom. nud. in Tuzov, The synonymic list of butterflies from the ex-USSR, Moscow: 9.
TL: Vanch Mts.
D: West Pamir, Darvaz.
Remark. K.Rose (1995: 243 - 244) wrote very right, that "Oft stellt man in solchen Fällen fest, daß sich die Merkmale einer solchen Art langsam und kontinuierlich innerhalb des Verbreitungsgebietes verändern (klinale Übergänge), bis hin zu Populationen mit extremen Merkmalen an den Rändern des Fluggebietes der Art. In solchen Fällen ist es problematisch und wohl auch sinnlos, willkürlich bestimmte Regionen aus dem Gesamtgebiet herauszugreifen und Unterarten aus diesen Regionen zu beschrieben", but species apollo, mnemosyne and nomion have a wide area and very little migrations (not more than 1 - 1.5 km) because in many populations is a genetic isolation - a start base for mutations and formgenesis.
25. stubbendorfii Ménétriès, 1849 (Parnassius). Mémoires de la Akademie Scientifique, Saint-Pétersbourg, Seria 6, Sciences naturelles, 6 (4): 373; pl. 6, fig. 2.
TL "Kansk".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● amurensis Verity, [1911] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 321; pl. 65, fig. 17 - 18.
TL: "Wladiwostok".
Had been originally described as a race of stubbendorfii.
D: Ussuri district.
● bodemeyeri Bryk, 1914 (Parnassius). Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift, Guben, 8: 12.
TL: "Sotka- and Shipka-Mts".
D: Transbaikal; Middle and Upper Amur district.
● kosterini Kreuzberg & Pljustsh, 1992 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1992 (2): 79 - 80; ris. 3.
TL: "Магаданская обл., Ольский р-н, п-ов Кони" [Magadan reg., Olsk distr., Koni peninsula].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of stubbendorfii.
D: TL.
● evdokimovi Korb, 1999 (Driopa). Lambillionea, Bruxelles, 99: 184; figs. 3, 4.
TL: "Altai, Chuysky Trakt, Seminsky Pass".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of stubbendorfii.
D: North Altai.
● elenae Korb, 1997 (Driopa). Alexanor, Paris, 19: 485 [nom. nov. pro Parnassius stubbendorfii typicus Bryk, 1914, nec [Parnassius] delphius forma typica Stichel, 1911], stat. rest.
TL: Altai.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of stubbendorfii.
D: Altai.
Remark. Im not agree with opinion of C.L.Häuser & Y.P.Nekrutenko (1998: 76 - 77) that the name elenae is invalid. It is a valid name that it is a replacement name for typicus Bryk which is junior primary homonym of typicus ("forma typica delphius = forma delphius typical) Stichel. The Stichels name is valid even if it is the nomen nudum that this name was published for specimens from Dzhungarian Alatau - its not a type locality of the nominotypical delphius, that the type locality of delphius is "Tarbagatai" by the lectotype designation (see delphius abowe).
Subgenus Erythrodriopa Korshunov, 1988
Taksonomiya zhivotnykh Sibiri, Novosibirsk: 67. TS: Doritis ariadne Kindermann in Lederer, 1853.
26. clarius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de Moskou, 16: 539, Tab. 9, fig. 1a, 1b.
TL: "ad lacum Noor-Saisan" [Zaisan lake in NE Kazakhstan].
Had been originally described as a good species.
● clarius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis).
D: Altai (without SW).
● clarus Bryk & Eisner, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 91.
TL: Saur.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of ariadne.
D: Saur; Tarbagatai.
● jiadengyuensis Huang & Murayama, 1992 (Parnassius). Tyô to Ga, Tokyo, 43: 3; fig. 3.
TL: "Jiadengyu, Altai, 1380 - 1700 m, grassland in forest zone".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of ariadne.
D: SW Altai.
27. nordmanni [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850] (Parnassius). Russkaya fauna, Moscow, 17, Lepidoptera: Tab. 4, fig. 4.
TL: "Monti / Adscharа" - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko & Kerzhner, 1986: 776).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● nordmanni [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850] (Parnassius).
D: Caucasus; Transcaucasus.
28. eversmanni [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850] (Parnassius). Russkaya fauna, Moscow, 17, Lepidoptera: tab. 4, fig. 5.
TL: "Kansk" - by the lectotype (Nekrutenko & Kerzhner, 1986: 774).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● eversmanni [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850] (Parnassius).
D: Sayan; Praebaikal.
● lacinia Hemming, 1934 (Parnassius). Stylops, 3: 198 [nom. nov. pro Parnassius eversmanni altaicus Verity, [1911], nec Parnassius phoebus var. altaicus Ménétriès, 1859].
TL: "Tchuja Mts., S.-E. de lAltai".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of evermanni.
D: Altai.
● litoreus Stichel in Wystman, 1907 (Parnassius). Genera Insectorum. Lepidoptera, 58: 13.
TL: Nikolaevsk-na-Amure.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of eversmanni.
D: Under course of Amur river.
● maui Bryk, 1915 (Parnassius). Archiv Naturgeschichten, A 82 (7): 172.
TL: "Tjutju-ho", 400 km N Vadivostok.
Had been originally described as a variety of eversmanni.
D: Middle and South Sikhote-Alin.
● septentrionalis Verity, [1910] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: pl. 64, fig. 17, 18.
TL: "Vitim", "Vilui".
Had been originally described as a race of eversmanni.
D: Northern part of Transbaikal.
● vosnessenskii [Ménétriès] in Siemaschko, [1850]
(Parnassius). Russkaya fauna, Moscow, 17, Lepidoptera: tab. 4, fig, 6.
TL: "Ochotsk" - by the holotype (Nekrutenko & Kerzhner, 1986: 774).
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: South and Middle Transbaikal; Kamchatka; East Siberia; Amur disrtict.
29. felderi Bremer, 1861 (Parnassius). Bulletin de la Academie des Sciences, Saint-Pétersbourg, 3: 542.
TL: "Ching.[an]" - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg in Tshikolovets, 1993: 16).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● felderi Bremer, 1861 (Parnassius).
D: Northern spurs of the Malyj Khingan mountain ridge.
30. polarius Schulte, 1991 (Parnassius). Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo, N.F., Frankfurt am Main, 12: 101, 104; Taf. 1, Abbn. 1 - 4.
TL: "UdSSR, Tschukotka-Halbinsel, Providenia-[Bucht]".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of eversmanni.
● polarius Schulte, 1991 (Parnassius). [= polaris Tuzov, 1995: 105, syn. n. - unjustified emendation].
D: Chukotka.
subtribus Sachaenina Korshunov, 1990
Genus Sachaia Korshunov, 1990
Taksonomiya zhivotnykh Sibiri, Novosibirsk: 67 - 68. TS: Parnassius tenedius Eversmann, 1851.
31. arctica Eisner, 1968 (Tadumia). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 43: 15; Taf. 1.
TL: "Berge ö. von Werchojansk" - by the holotype (Korshunov, 1988: 68).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simo.
● ammosovi Korshunov, 1988 (Sachaia). Taksonomiya zhivotnykh Sibiri, Novosibirsk: 69 - 74; ris. 4, 5, 6a.
TL: "Хребет Сунтар-Хаята" [Suntar-Khayata Mts.].
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: Suntar-Khayata Mts.
● arctica Eisner, 1968 (Tadumia).
D: TL.
Remark 1. In the book of Y.P.Korshunov (1998: 10) there are following lines: "Внимание! До описания ammosovi никто не знал о наличии нового вида в Сибири, это позже сделали вид на осведомлённость отдельные таксономофилы, которые к ammosovi без всяких доказательств начали приспосабливать название arctica (подробности смотри также - Коршунов, 1988). И никто идентичность ammosovi таксону arctica не установил. В связи с особой ценностью
ammosovi, как новинки, началась за ним настоящая охота и в известной мере тайная, так что места находок скрываются. Есть косвенные сведения о наличии ammosovi в Магаданской области и на севере Хабаровского края. Вот ещё любопытный нюанс. В книге "Butterflies of Russia" [pl.] 5, [fig.] 1 1997 г. Верхоянск стоит уже без вопроса, а фотография самки на таблице 9 - почти точная копия голотипа ammosovi, то есть и близко не лежала с тем, что изображено у Eisnera для arctica. Своеобразная "научная достоверность"!" [Attention! Up to the description of ammosovi nobody know about presence of a new species in Siberia, it have pretent on knowledge separate taxonomophyles later, which to ammosovi without any proofs have begun to adapt the name arctica (detail look also - Korshunov, 1988). And anybody identity ammosovi to the taxa arctica has not established. In connection with the special value of ammosovi, as novelties, the present hunt and to a certain extent secret began behind it, so the places of finds disappear. There are indirect items of information on presence ammosovi in the Magadan area and in north of Khabarovsk Territory. Yet curious nuance. In the book "Butterflies of Russia" [pl]. 5, [fig]. 1 1997. Verkhoyansk stands already without a question, and the photo of female on the table 9 - almost exact copy of the holotype of ammosovi, that is and close did not lay that is represented at Eisners for arctica. Original "scientific reliability"!]. To me, as it seems to the author of the offered catalogue, that of Korshunov it is needless impulsively in relation to the species, described by him. That has informed me A.V.-A.Kreuzberg: "the first butterfly of ammosovi has caught by Popova. Then - Dubatolov. Yuri Petrovich [Korshunov] at once has lit up it to describe, not having worked at all to check up the literature. When the description was made also figures are made, he has consulted with me, and I have specified to him that the similar butterflies were already described under the name arctica. But the description of arctica equally has appeared in a seal". C.L.Häuser and C.Rose they have written to me more cautiously - believe, that ammosovi and arctica are conspecific, but do not undertake it to assert for certain.
Remark 2. The taxon ammosovi is conspecific with arctica and not can be placed in Sachaia as a good species, but only a subspecies (?) of arctica. This taxon was placed in arctica by Y.N.Glustshenko (1996: 37).
32. tenedius Eversmann, 1851 (Parnassius). Bulletin de la Société impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 24: 621.
TL: "Irkutzk" - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg in Tshikolovets, 1993: 30).
Had been originally described as a good species.
● britae Bryk, 1932 (Tadumia). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 2.
TL: "Sredne-Kolymsk".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of tenedius.
D: Transbaikal; East Siberia (without polar tundras, Chukotka and northern part of Magadan region) ; northwards of the line Baikal (southern shore) - Sakhalin (northern end); Tuva.
● nigromaculata Niepelt, 1916 (Parnassius). Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift, Guben, 9: 118.
TL: "Altai" [= vulcanus Bryk & Eisner, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 2: 22, syn.n. TL: Altai].
Had been originally described as a variety of tenedius.
D: Altai: Narymsky Mts., Kurajsky Mts.; Saur (Yakovlev, 2002: 174).
● tenedius Eversmann, 1851 (Parnassius).
D: Praebaikal.
Subrtibus Koramiina Korshunov, 1990
Genus Kreizbergius Korshunov, 1990
Chlenistonogie i gelminty, Novosibirsk: 102. TS: Parnassius simo Gray, 1852.
33. boedromius Püngeler, 1901 (Parnassius). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 14: 177; Taf. 1, Fign. 3, 4.
TL: mountains northwards of Aksu.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● boedromius Püngeler, 1901 (Parnassius).
D: Eastern part of Terskey Alatau Mts.; Sarydzhaz Mts.; Inylchektau Mts. ; Kuylyu Mts.; Ishigart Mts.; Akshijrak Mts.
● hohlbecki Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 40 (5): 13; Tab. 2, fig. 8, 9 [see correct numeration of figures on the pl. 1 of this paper].
TL: Kirghiz Mts., Shamsi river, Dshau-Bassar - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 61).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of boedromius.
D: Kirghiz Mts.
● martiniheringi Bryk & Eisner, 1930 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 1 (1): 1 - 2; Fig. 1, 2.
TL: Tau-Chilik, Kungey-Alatau.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simo.
D: Mountain ridges Transilian and Kungey Ala-Too in North Tian Shan.
● prasolovi Kreuzberg, 1986 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1986 (2): 86 - 87; ris. 3.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, хр. Терскей Алатау, ущ. Барскаун, 3200 м" [Kirghizia, Terskey Ala-Too Mts., Barskaun valley, 3200 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of boedromius.
D: Western part of Terskey Ala-Too Mts.; Borkoldaj Mts.; Korum-Kechu in Central Tian Shan.
● sokolovi Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 37; ris. 7.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, хр. Сусамыртау, пер. Алабель, 3600 м" [Kirghizia, Suusamyrtoo Mts., Alabel pass, 3600 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of boedromius.
D: Suusamyrtoo Mts.
34. simo Gray, 1853 (Parnassius). Catalogue of lepidopterous insects in the British Museum, London, 1: 76; pl. 12, figs. 3, 4.
TL: "Chinese Tartary".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● avinovi Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 40 (5): 3 [new status; original description: Verity, [1911], Rhopalocera palaearctica, Firenze, [1]: 316; pl. 53, fig. 11].
TL: "Beik, Hindu-Kush, 3000 m".
Had been originally described as a race of simo simo.
D: Muztagh Mts.; Vakhansky Mts., Severo-Alichursky Mts., Pshartsky Mts.
● gylippus Fruhstorfer, 1903 (Parnassius). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 16: 45.
TL: "Aksu".
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: Kokshaaltau Mts.; Sarydzhaz Mts.
● hilariae Kreuzberg, 1986 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1986 (2): 85 - 86; ris. 1.
TL: "Таджикская ССР, хр. Музкол, ущ. Мукурчечекты, 4500 м" [Tadzhikistan, Muzkol Mts., Mukurchechekty valley, 4500 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simo.
D: Muzkol Mts.; Yuzhno-Alichursky Mts.
● simulator Staudinger, 1889 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 50: 18.
TL: "Kisyl-Art".
Had been originally described as a variety of simo.
D: Alai; Central Tian Shan.
35. simonius Staudinger, 1889 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 50: 16.
TL: "Pamir (oder Transalai)".
Had been originally described as a variety of simo.
● grayi Avinoff, 1916 (Parnassius). Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 48: 358; pl. 54, fig. 6 [non male!].
TL: "Isfajran, Alai septr., 3400 m" - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 59).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simo.
D: Alai Mts.
● nigrificatus Kreuzberg, 1986 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1986 (2): 86; ris. 2.
TL: "Таджикская ССР, Заалайский хр., южный склон, 5 км западнее перевала Кизил-Арт, 4000м" [Tadzhikistan, Transalai Mts., southern slope, 5 km westwards of the Kizyl-Art pass, 4000 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simonius.
D: Eastern part of Transalai Mts.
● simonius Staudinger, 1889 (Parnassius).
D: Western part of Transalai Mts.
● taldicus Gundurov, 1991 (Parnassius). Lambillionea, Bruxelles, 91: 379.
TL: "Kirghizia, the Alaisky Mountain Ridge, The South-western slope, Taldyk Pass, 3750 m".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of simonius.
D: TL.
Genus Koramius Moore, 1902
Lepidoptera Indica Rhopalocera: Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Papilionidae, London, 5: 120. TS: Doritis delphius Eversmann, 1843.
Subgenus Koramius sensu stricto
36. cardinal Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1887 (Parnassius). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 3: 397.
TL: Peter the Great Mts., Tupchek, 3000 - 3200 m.
Had been originally described as a variety of delphius.
● cardinal Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1887 (Parnassius).
D: Peter the Great Mts.; Darvazsky Mts.; Khozratisho Mts.
37. delphius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis). Bulletin de la Société impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 16: 541; Tab. 7, fig. 1 a, b.
TL: Dzhungarian Alatau.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● albulus Honrath, 1889 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 33: 161.
TL: Central or East Tian Shan.
Had been originally described as a variety of delphius.
D: North Tian Shan (without Kirghiz and Suusamyrtoo mountains ridges); Central Tian Shan.
● delphius Eversmann, 1843 (Doritis).
D: Dzhungaria.
● kasakstanus O.Bang-Haas, 1933 (Parnassius). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 46: 262.
TL: Kazakhstan, West Talas Mts., Djebagly-Su river.
Had been originally described as asubspecies of delphius.
D: Western part of Talassky Mts.
● namaganus Staudinger, 1886 (Parnassius). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 47: 196.
TL: "Чаткальский хр., пер. Чанач, 3300 м" [Chatkalsky Mts., Chanach pass, 3300 m] - by the neotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 44).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Kirghiz Mts.; Suusamyrtoo Mts.; Chatkalsky Mts.
38. illustris Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1888 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 22: 304.
TL: "Transalai", "Aram-Kungej".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of staudingeri.
● dunkeldykus Sotshivko & Kaabak, 1996 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 27: 199 - 200; col. pl. 2 b.
TL: "Tadjikistan, South-East Pamir, Western spurs of Sarykolsky Mtn. Ridge, Dunkeldyk Lake, rocky crumbling slope, 4300 m above sea level".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of staudingeri.
D: TL.
● illustris Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1888 (Parnassius).
D: TL.
● kiritshenkoi Avinov, 1910 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 39 (5): 228; Tab. 14, fig. 1.
TL: "на Аличуре" [on the Alichur].
Had been originally described as a variety of delphius.
D: Mynkhadzhir mountains.
● pontifex Bryk & Eisner, 1932 (Parnassius). Parnassiana, Neu-Brandenburg, 3: 50; Fig. 4.
TL: "Kaindy-Paß" Beleuli Mts.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Beleuli Mts.
Remark. The specific rank of illustris was stated in the papers of J.Hanus (1996) and A.V.Sotshivko & L.V.Kaabak (1996).
39. infernalis Elwes, 1886 (Parnassius). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1886: 40
TL: "Fergana", "Osch".
Had been originally described as a variety of delphius.
● darvasica Avinoff, 1916 (Parnassiana). Transactions of the Royal entomological Society of London, 48: 358; pl. 54, fig. 3.
TL: "из Ванчского хр." [from the Vanch mountain ridge] (Kreuzberg, 1985: 37).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Vanchsky and Yazgulemsky mountain ridges.
● infernalis Elwes, 1886 (Parnassius). (=hoareaui Hanus, 1996: 206, syn.n.).
D: Alai and Transalai mountain ridges.
40. jacobsoni Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 40 (5): 20; Tab. 2, fig. 8, 9.
TL: "Памирский Пост" [Pamirsky Post - now Murgab] - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 40).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
● jacobsoni Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius).
D: Pamir: Pshartsky, Severo-Alichursky, Yuzhno-Alichursky, Shakhdarinsky, Shugnansky, Vakhansky and Ishkashimsky mountain ridges.
41. maximinus Staudinger, 1891 (Parnassius). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 4: 158.
TL: mountains southwards of Tashkent.
Had been originally described as a variety of delphius.
● legezini Bergmann, 1995 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 26: 140 - 141; Taf. 1, Abbn. 1, 2, 4.
TL: "Usbekistan, westl. Tian-Shan, Kuraminski-Kette, Kamtschik-Paß, h = 1600 - 2000 m".
Had been originally described as asubspecies of maximinus.
D: Kuraminsky Mts.
Remark. In the original description was used the name legezina but Mr. Andreas Bergmann communicated me that the name legezina is wrong and must be used the name legezini.
● maximinus Staudinger, 1891 (Parnassius).
D: Karzhantau, Pskemsky, Ugamsky, Sandalashsky, Koksujsky, Chatkalsky and Talassky mountain ridges in West Tian Shan.
42. patricius Niepelt, 1911 (Parnassius). Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift, Guben, 5: 274.
TL: Naryn.
Had been originally described as a good species.
● kardakoffi Bryk & Eisner, 1930 (Parnassius). Mitteilungen der deutscher entomologischen Gesellschaft, 1: 8; Fign. 1, 2.
TL: Tau-Chilik in Kungey Ala-Too Mts.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of acdestis Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1891.
D: Transili Alatau Mts.; Kungey Ala-Too Mts.
● luedwigi Kreuzberg, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (6): 37; ris. 6.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, Чаткальский хр., верховья р. Чанач, пер. Мамек, 3600 м" [Kirgizia, Chatkalsky Mts., upper course of Chanach river, Mamek pass, 3600 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of patricius.
D: TL.
● lukhtanovi Rose, 1992 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 23: 120; Taf. 5, Abbn. 1 - 4.
TL: "Kasakhstan, östlicher Terskey Alatau, Narynkol distr., Kokpak, 3600 m (30 km nördlich Chantengri peak)".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of patricius.
D: TL.
● patricius Niepelt, 1911 (Parnassius).
D: Naryntau Mts.
● priamus Bryk, 1914 (Tadumia). Societas Entomologica, 29: 18.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, Иссык-Кульская обл., Сары-Джаз, хр. Иныльчек, южный склон, гора Камышты, 4000 м" [Kirghizia, Issyk-Kul reg., Inylchek Mts., southern slope, Mt. Kamyshty, 4000 m] - by the neotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 31).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of acdestis.
D: Terskey Ala-Too (ex. the locality of lukhtanovi Rose); Sarydzhaz Mts.; Inylchektau Mts.; Kaindy Mts.; Meridionalny Mts.; Kokshaaltau Mts.; Borkolday Mts.
Remark. In the work of A.V.-A.Kreuzberg (1985: 31) was given the neotype designation from "...Сары-Джаз, хр. Иныльчек,..." [Sary-Dzhaz, Inylchek Mts.] from the Kamyshty Mt. but Mt. Kamyshty is situated only in Inylchektau Mts. so I give here a full citation from A.V.-A.Kreuzberg but a correct type locality.
● uzyngyrus D.Weiss, 1979 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 10: 79; Fig. 1.
TL: Kirghiz Mts., Chon-Kuurchak valley, Kyzyl-Beles Mt.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of patricius.
D: Kirghiz Mts.
43. staudingeri Bang-Haas in Staudinger & Bang-Haas, 1882 (Parnassius). Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift, 26: 163; Taf. 2, Fign. 7, 8.
TL: "Hazret Sultan".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● daniil Gluschenko, Martynenko & Churkin, 2001 (Koramius). Helios, Moscow, 2: 9 - 11; pl. 1, figs. 1 - 3, 5 - 7.
TL: "SW Kirgizstan, Matcha Mts. (Turkestan Mts.), Ak-Terek R., Noo-Dzhailio vill., h=3600 - 3700".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of staudingeri.
D: TL.
● difficilis Murzin, 1989 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1989 (1): 70.
TL: "Туркестанский хр., склон восточной ориентрации к югу от пер. Кум-Бель, 3800 м" [Turkestansky Mts., slope of the eastern orientation, southwards of Kum-Bel pass, 3800 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Turkestansky Mts.; eastern part of Zeravshansky Mts.
● hissaricus Eisner, 1968 (Koramius). Zoologische Mededelingen, Leiden, 43: 13; Taf. 1, Fign. 3 - 6.
TL: Gissar Mts., Anzob pass, 3200 - 3400 m.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Eastern part of Gissar Mts.
● hunza Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1888 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 22: 303.
TL: "в крайней северной части хр. Музтаг (горы Канджут, верховья р. Мазар)" [in the northern part of Muztagh Mts. (Kandzhut mountains, upper course of Mazar river)].
Had been originally described as a variety of stoliczkanus C. & R. Felder, [1865].
D: Muztagh Mts.
● inaccessibilis Ju.Ju.Stshetkin, 1979 (Parnassius). Doklady Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoj SSR, Dushanbe, 22 (1): 64.
TL: "Таджикская ССР, хр. Петра Первого, несколько км южнее населённого пункта Хазор-Чашма, 3950 м над ур.м. " [Tadzhikistan, Peter the Great Mts., some km southwards of Khazor-Chashma, 3950 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: Peter the Great Mts.; Karateginsky Mts.; Darvazsky Mts.
● mustagata Rose, 1990 (Parnassius). Nachrichten des entomologischen Vereins Apollo, N.F., Frankfurt am Main, 11 (3): 152, 154; Taf. 1, Abbn. 1, 2.
TL: "China, Xinjiang, Pamir/Karakul, 4000 - 4500 m", "nach dem Berg Mustagata".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of staudingeri.
D: Sarykolsky Mts.
● praeoccupatus Tshikolovets, 1993 (Parnassius). A catalogue of the type-specimens of the Lepidoptera, Kiev, 2: 26. [nom. nov. pro Parnassius delphius valentinae Stshetkin, 1977, nec P. mnemosyne valentinae Sheljuzhko, 1943].
TL: "3800 м / Главн.[ый] греб.[ень] хр. Петра I, км в 10 / юж.[нее] пос.[ёлка] Хазор-Чаш- / ма" [Peter the Great Mts., about 10 km south of Khazor-Chashma, 3800 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of delphius.
D: TL.
● staudingeri Bang-Haas in Staudinger & Bang-Haas, 1882 (Parnassius).
D: Western parts of Gissarsky and Zeravshansky Mts.; Bajsuntau Mts.
Genus Kailasius Moore, 1902
Lepidoptera Indica Rhopalocera; Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Papilionidae, London, 5: 118. TS: Parnassius charltonius Gray, 1853.
44. autocrator Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 40 (5): 16; Tab. 2, fig. 5.
TL: "район перевала Гушхон (Ванчский хр.)" [Gushkhon pass vicinity (Vanchsky Mts.)] (Kreuzberg, 1985: 48).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of charltonius.
● autocrator Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius).
D: Vanchsky, Rushansky, Severo-Alichursky mountain ridges (Kreuzberg, 1987; Pototski ja Salo, 1994).
45. charltonius Gray, 1853 (Parnassius). Catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the British Museum, London, 1: 77; pl. 12, fig. 7.
TL: "Chinese Tartary".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● anjuta Ju.Ju.Stshetkin & Kaabak, 1985 (Parnassius). Bulleten Moskovskogo obstshestva ispytatelej prirody, Otdel biologicheskikh nauk, Moscow, 90 (5): 41 - 44; ris. а - в.
TL: "Восточный Памир, массив Мынхаджир, 4200 м" [East Pamir, Mynkhadzhir, 4200 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of charltonius.
D: TL.
● deckerty Verity, [1907] (Parnassius). Rhopalocera Palaearctica, Firenze, 1: 85; pl. 19, fig 14.
TL: "Kachmir, 4200 - 4800 m".
Had been originally described as a forme of charltonius.
D: Eastern parts of Vakhansky and Yuzhno-Alichursky Mts., southern part of Sarykolsky Mts.
● mistericus Kaabak, Sotshivko & Titov, 1996 (Parnassius). Atalanta, Würzburg, 27: 195 - 197; col. pl. 2 a.
TL: "Tadjikistan, South-East Pamirs, western spurs of Sarykolsky Mts Ridge, Dunkeldyk Lake, rocky crumbling slope, 4300 m above sea level".
Had been originally described as a subspecies of charltonius.
D: Sarykolsky Mts.
● romanovi Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1885 (Parnassius). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 2: 236.
TL: "Алайский хр., ледник Абрамова, 3500 м" [Alai Mts., Abramova gletcher, 3500 m] - by the neotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 50).
Had been originally described as a good species.
D: Alai and Transalai mountain ridges.
● vaporosus Avinov, 1913 (Parnassius). Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, Sankt-Petersburg, 40 (5): 15; Tab. 2, ris. 4.
TL: "Бухара, Дарваз, пер. Висхарви" [Bukhara, Darvaz, Viskharvi pass] - by the lectotype (Kreuzberg, 1985: 49).
Had been originally described as a subspecies of charltonius.
D: Western parts of Yuzhno-Alichursky and Vakhansky Mts.; Peter the Great Mts.; Darvazsky Mts.
46. ljudmilae Lesin & Kaabak, 1991 (Parnassius). Bulleten Moskovskogo obstshestva ispytatelej prirody, Otdel biologicheskikh nauk, Moscow, 96 (1): 74 - 76; ris. 1, 2.
TL: "Тадж. ССР, Гиссарский хр., верховья р. Диахан-Дара в 40 км к северу от пос. Шахринав, скально-осыпной склон, 3700 м" [Tadzhikistan, Gissar Mts., upper course of Diakhan-Dara river, 40 km northwards of Shakhrinav, 3700 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of charltonius.
● ljudmilae Lesin & Kaabak, 1991 (Parnassius).
D: Gissar Mts.
47. loxias Püngeler, 1901 (Parnassius). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris, 14: 178; Taf. 1, Fign. 5, 6.
TL: "Aksu".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● tashkorensis Kreuzberg, 1984 (Parnassius). Vestnik zoologii, Kiev, 1984 (5): 73; ris.
TL: "Киргизская ССР, хр. Каинды, массив Уч-Чат, 3350 м над ур.м." [Kirghizia, Kaindy Mts., Uch-Chat, 3350 m].
Had been originally described as a subspecies of loxias.
D: Kaindy Mts. and Inylchektau Mts. in Inner Tian Shan.
Subfamily Hypermnestrinae Dujardin, 1965
Genus Hypermnestra Ménétriès, 1848
Mémoires de la Academie impériale des Sciences, Saint-Pétersbourg, (6) 8: pl. 6, fig. 1. TS: Ismene helios Nickerl, 1846.
Remark. The subfamily Hypermnestrinae had been originally established as a tribe (Dujardin, 1965). Y.P.Korshunov (1990: 104) in his paper raised the status of this family-group taxon from tribe to subfamily at the base of following charakers: "Признаки гипермнестры... исследованы Ю.Л.Щёткиным (1960). Изображённая им сперматофрагма (не путать со сфрагисом аполлонов!)[,] наряду с вилкообразным хитиновым образованием у корня переднего крыла, бугристо-шиповатая скульптура верха груди, форма генитального аппарата настолько значительны, что перевод этого таксона в отдельное подсемейство Hypermnestrinae, stat.n. не должно [sic!] вызывать сомнений" [The signs of Hypermnestra investigated by Ju.L.Stshetkin (1960). A spermatophragma of females which figured by him (not sphragis of apollos!) together with fork-formish chitine formation in the basis of forewing, thorn-wavy sculptur of the thoracal top, a form of genital structures are so specifical that the transfer of this taxon in a good subfamily is without doubts].
48. helios Nickerl, 1846 (Ismene). Stettiner entomologische Zeitschrift, 7: 208; Taf. 3, Fign. a - g.
TL: "westliche Kirgisensteppe".
Had been originally described as a good species.
● ariana Wyatt, 1961 (Hypermnestra). Journal of the Lepidopterists Society, Santa Barbara, 15 (1): 2.
TL: Kabul, Afghanistan.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of helios.
D: Kopetdagh.
● helios Nickerl, 1846 (Ismene).
D: Deserts of Turkestan; Tian Shan.
● maxima Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1890 (Hypermnestra). Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères, Saint-Pétersbourg, 4: 141.
TL: Syrdarja.
Had been originally described as a subspecies of helios.
D: Deserts of Gissar; Ferghana valley.
© Korb S.K.